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Writer's pictureMarianne Bergmann

Dandelions! Friend or Foe?

Before we go into this huge controversial debate ;) , I'd like to remind you that these blogs are a mix of my opinions and knowledge I've gained over the years. I realize that some of my opinions are unpopular, and this might be one of them. There's often no right or wrong way of gardening just whats best for you . So let's get into it! Dandelions have made the news many times, and in recent years this has been no different. Headlines stating that you shouldn't kill dandelions in spring because pollinators need them have gone viral, and yet others say they are invasive species that have to be eradicated. So who's right?

Now remember this is just my opinion but I think the first dandelions of spring are really something special. They remind me of my childhood and picking them for my mom. I can tell you with certainty that dandelions were the very first "bouquets" I ever made and we had a special vase just for them. When my niece became old enough to pick flowers she did the same and they went into the same vase. And for some reason they're always the most special flowers we have in the house all year. BUT after that first bouquet of spring, I hate them. They are difficult to get rid of, they can take over a garden or lawn in very little time, they make the garden look messy and unkept, and they soak up valuable water and nutrients from the soil where we have valuable plants. We spend hours each spring trying to get a handle on them so that once summer comes around we don't have to worry about them as much. And for the most part that works for us... until the next spring when we do it all over again.

So am I a part of the problem? Am I taking a vital source of food away from the pollinators that we need? I don't think so. Here's why; we intentionally have plants and trees growing and blooming early in spring to make up for what dandelions may be killed by our ruthless weeding. Just one apple tree blooming in spring can replace a whole lot of dandelions. And an apple tree is not only beautiful when blooming, but also produces apples... in my opinion that's definitely better than dandelions. Of course thats just my opinion, but maybe instead of purposely letting dandelions live and therefore contributing to them being a noxious weed, just maybe we could all plant a tree that blooms, or some daffodils, or have a few pots on our decks for those early pollinators.

Don't get me wrong, I know there are all kinds of medicinal benefits to dandelions and if you're growing them for those purposes then please continue to do so! But if you're using the poor pollinators as an excuse to keep the dandelions, well I think we can do better.

I truly believe that pollinators are incredibly important. I also think there is a much better way of providing for them. So this spring I encourage you to enjoy those first few dandelions, and then plant something beautiful and reap the rewards. :)


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Unknown member
May 01, 2021

TOTAL agreement!!!!

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